Alcograna AM-565
Interlock Alcogran AM-565 is designed to determine the alcohol content in the driver's blood and to block the operatopm of the car engine if the alcohol concentration exceeds the permissible level.
Interlock Alcogran AM-565 is designed to determine the alcohol content in the driver's blood and to block the operatopm of the car engine if the alcohol concentration exceeds the permissible level.

Alcogran AM-565 is the most balanced interlock in terms of price / quality / capability ratio. It has the necessary adjustments and possibilities of commutation with external car signaling systems, operates at extremely low and high temperatures, the test results are entered into memory.

The process is simple - the person being checked exhales into the tube and after that the result in ppm is displayed on a special screen (the ratio of one gram of alcohol to a liter of blood). If the result exceeds the permissible norm, the car engine is blocked, thereby excluding any further movements of the vehicle. The installation of the device requires the support of qualified personnel.

The measurement result is shown on a digital display. The interlock can be installed on any car with an on-board network voltage of 9-39 V. One of the main features of Alcogran AM-565 model is the ability to work at extremely low temperatures. To achieve the required accuracy of indications, the device is equipped with an electrochemical sensor and a blowing control system. The measurement result is displayed on a digital display. In addition, interlocks are irreplaceable in production and are often installed on construction equipment.

Features of Alcogran AM-565:

  • High measurement accuracy;
  • Simplicity and clarity of the interface;
  • High quality materials.

See also