Interface board for Dingo B-01 / B-02 breathalyzers
The interface board KIP-01/KIP-02 (formerly AM-1) allows connecting a control device (computer, access control system controller, or other device) to the Dingo B-01 or Dingo B-02 walkthrough breathalyzer.
The interface board KIP-01/KIP-02 (formerly AM-1) allows connecting a control device (computer, access control system controller, or other device) to the Dingo B-01 or Dingo B-02 walkthrough breathalyzer.

With the KIP board, the breathalyzer can be connected to an access control system (ACS) controller via the Wiegand protocol, allowing the transfer of test results and the breathalyzer's status to the ACS system. Alternatively, it can be connected via USB to various devices, enabling both data retrieval from the breathalyzer and remote control through commands.

The board is supplied with two firmware options: one with a full data exchange protocol and another with a limited protocol of two events (the ethanol vapor content in exhaled air is below the set threshold, and the test result when the threshold is exceeded). The limited two-event protocol is usually more convenient for ACS integration, as the additional events in the full protocol may interfere with the ACS system’s operation.

See also